Computer workstations in the Main Library of BUT
Library of Bialystok University of Technology offers its users access to the Internet and the ability to use specialized software with:
- 12 computer workstations in the Electronic Reading Room on P0 (ground floor);
- 12 computer workstations in the “Large” Book Reading Room on P1;
- 11 computer workstations in the “Small” Book Reading Room on P1.
Using the Internet on library computers requires authorization!
However, in each of our Reading Rooms, there is one computer where access to the following services can be obtained without additional authorization:
- PB Library, Library Catalog
- USOSweb
- Work rooms reservation
- Norm search engine
These computers are located at workstation 1 in the “Large” and “Small” Book Reading Rooms on P1, as well as at workstation 3 in the Electronic Reading Room on P0 (ground floor).
Using the Internet – login instructions
1. After starting the system (and logging in to the “student” account, password “student”), a login window should appear in the middle of the screen, in which you should enter the login and password to the account.
2. If the login window is not displayed, in the lower right corner of the monitor, right-click the icon and select the “Troubleshoot problems” option, and then wait for the login window to appear.
3. Access data to the eduroam network for each student are visible after logging into the USOSweb system in the “MY USOSWEB” tab.
4. Turn off your computer to end your Internet access session. Logging out does not close the session!
Computer workstations in the PB departmental libraries
Library of the Faculty of Architecture:
- 4 computer workstations with Internet access.
Library of the Faculty of Management Engineering:
- 6 computer workstations with Internet access.
Rules for using computer equipment
- All Library users can use the computer equipment.
- The computer equipment may only be used for scientific and educational purposes. In the event of a violation of the applicable rules, the Library employee or network administrator has the right to immediately terminate the user’s session.
- It is forbidden to make any changes to the existing software and hardware configuration of the devices.
- It is forbidden to use computers for commercial purposes, to perform any activities that infringe the copyrights of authors or distributors of software and data.
- You can copy the search results to your own electronic media. It is recommended to check the media with an antivirus program beforehand.
- After finishing work with the computer, delete the files saved during the session, and when using the Internet, log out of the eduroam network.
- In the event of intentional damage to the equipment, the user is financially responsible for the loss or cost of repair.
Wireless Internet 
The purpose of the eduroam service is to provide users of the scientific environment with an easy and secure connection to the computer network. The service can be used by any employee and student of Bialystok University of Technology with a university e-mail account in the domain: or To obtain a student e-mail account, please contact BUT University IT Centre.
Access to eduroam networks requires an IEEE 802.1x compliant device for wired and wireless network access control.